<aside> 💡 Hi! Gabriele here

If you don’t know how to start with Town Hall Meeting, check out this agenda template.

It’s based on how we run meetings in Voxloud.

See you in the next issues of The Saturday RemoteR 👋


Town Hall Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)
  2. Review of the company’s mission and values (10 minutes)
  3. Update on company performance and financials (15 minutes)
  4. Introduction of new team members (5 minutes)
  5. Q&A session (20 minutes)
  6. Any other business (5 minutes)
  7. Closing remarks (5 minutes)

Point 1 - Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)

The goal is to start the meeting on a positive note by welcoming everyone to the Town Hall Meeting and allowing attendees to introduce themselves to the rest of the group.

This can be especially important in a remote meeting, where attendees may not be as familiar with one another as they would be if they were meeting in person.

For example, the person leading the meeting (such as the CEO or a designated moderator) might begin by saying

Good morning/afternoon, everyone, and welcome to our quarterly Town Hall Meeting. Thank you for taking the time to join us today. To start, let's go around the virtual room and introduce ourselves. Please state your name and your role within the company.

Then, each attendee can take a turn introducing themselves, and the leader can keep track of who is whom to ensure that everyone is accounted for. Once everyone has introduced themselves, the leader can move on to the next item on the agenda.

Point 2 - Review of the company’s mission and values (10 minutes)

That is a significant opportunity to remind attendees of the company's core purpose and guiding principles.